Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:05 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Jeremy McKinnon
File Size
56 KB
Ev-ery thing a-round me seems so much diff-erent than where I'm from and at this rate I think my fate's been sealed This life's so un-pre-dic-ta-ble Well Go! Continue to live a life that no one knows Where's this gon-na go Right here Right n-ow, this i-s the be-gin-ning of the e-n-d And I won't sing one sing-le thing until we can get this right I'm mo-ving on I'm mo-ving on He-y Mom, I wrote you some soft-songs and tell dad I'm just fine We had to choose We made our mo--ves and now we got to go. Go! Ev-ery thing a-bout me seems so much diff-erent when I was young I could-n't wait to take my place five years been passed good god have I been gone? So why? I've ne-ver felt so a-lone in my whole life! Time's not on my side. Right here Right n-ow, this i-s the be-gin-ning of the e-n-d And I won't sing one sing-le thing until we can get this right I'm mo-ving on I'm mo-ving on He-y Mom, I wrote you some soft-songs and tell dad I'm just fine We had to choose We made our mo--ves and now we got to go. You make me so ner-vo-us! Why does ev-ery-thing go- wrong? You just make me so wrong? I'm hol-ding on to a fai-ry-tale We are still mo-ving but we're not there yet I'm hol-ding on to a fai-ry-tale! We're mo-ving for-wards! We're mo-ving for-wards! We' re mo-ving fo-r-wards! Ah I'm hol-ding on to a fai-ry-tale We are still mo-ving but we're not there yet I'm hol-ding on to a fai-ry-tale! We're mo-ving for-wards! We're mo-ving for-war-ds! He-y Mom, I wrote you some soft-songs and tell dad I'm just fine We had to choose We made our mo--ves and now we got to go. You make me so ner-vo-us! Why does ev-ery-thing go- wrong? You just make me so wrong?
Special thanks to WackyWesty for making the Tabs
I'm not 100% sure about the Lead-Guitar